Sunday, February 25, 2007

Al Gore and His Inconvenient Truth

Al Gore has betrayed our nation and played upon our fears. His promotion of his movie the Inconvenient Truth is based on an inconvenient truth that the global warming is caused by automobile exhausts. The inconvenient truth for Al Gore is that since 1930 the average temperature has only risen 0.7 degrees f. The mass increase in the number of automobiles has taken place during that time for only that small increase. I would argue that humans have very little impact on global warming. I would argue that the global warming is caused by nature.

Consensus is not science, it is only an opinion. Al’s movie is based on a consensus, decided by slanted opinions of scientists with an objective overlooking the truth. We need to remember that there were things refered to as the ice age in the history of the earth. Is it fair to assume that there were also warming/hot spells also? I would argue that is a fair assumption. I would argue that there is a higher power, that I refer to as God. I believe it is very arrogant to think we have more control over the climate and earth than God.

Al Gore has taken these opinions, made a movie and presented them as facts. Al Gore has taken this movie and pushed to get it shown throughout the public schools and scared our childern. Al Gore has betrayed the truth and played upon the fears of our children. He has scared the children that mommy and daddies cars are killing the polar bears.

If anything it is not momy and daddies cars that are killing the polar bears is would be all of the private jet flights that Al Gore is taking all over the country. Each of his private cross country jet flights consume more gas than the average car owner does in one year.

One last point, Al Gore’s wealth is from OIL Stocks inheritied from his daddy.