Monday, May 14, 2007

To The Honorable Fred Upton

To The Honorable Fred Upton

I was very upset to see this ad on WZZM TV 13 at approximately 11:10 PM on Monday 14-May-07. This ad propertied stated that you are against the war on terror and the troops in Iraq. By this you publicly went out against the President. As a stout Republican, your continuance on this stance will cause me to seek a different representative in the next primaries.

I am a very proud veteran and very stout supporter of national defense. Has the President made mistakes in Iraq, too many. Public statements by Congressmen contrary to the Presidents foreign policy are unacceptable when our service men and women are at war. I consider it at the level of treason.

If I wanted a cut and run congressman or woman I would have voted for a Democrat. I believe the rest of your district feels the same way. I voted for a Republican under the expectation of tax cuts and strong national defense.


A highly disappointed constituent