Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Reopening the Openly Gays In the Military Debate

As reported today in the Army Times Rep. Marty Meehan, D-Mass., reintroduces his Military Readiness Enhancement Act. The Act will do away with the Don’t Ask and Don’t tell policy and switch to openly allowing gays in the military. Rep. Meehan feels that now that there is a Democratic majority in the House and Senate he feels that they now have a chance to further open the door to allow gays in the military.

There is one problem that no one is mentioning about gays in the military will be the additional cost for quarters. The military does put men and women in the same barracks bay. So do you put straight Men in with gay Men in the same barracks bay or straight women with gay women? This would be the same as having straight men sharing the barracks and bathroom facilities with women or vice versa.

The problem becomes evident when you have a straight woman housed with gay women (or men). While deployed to NAS Cubi Point in 1987 my squadron had a case where there were two gay women shared a room in the barracks with one straight woman. The gay women enjoyed watching the very attractive straight woman, which was made uncomfortable. The gay women even groped the straight woman. How does the straight woman prove that she ahs been groped, when there are two people testifying to one. Both lesbians were eventually discharged for being documented as lesbians.

The branch of the service that would be the hardest hit by this policy would be the Navy. The cost would be the additional demands for heads (bathrooms for you land lubbers) and berthing (bunks).

The second problem with gays in the military is that it causes disruptions in unit harmony; the addition of the sexual aspect causes additional problems. Heck the problem of two guys interested in the same woman causes enough problems. By adding men and women or straight men and gay men or straight women and gay women it only complicates the matter even more.

Al Gore the Environmental Hypocryte

With Al gore out front leading the Global Warming cause, evidence is starting to surface that he is doing what he is asking everyone else to do. In 2006 his 10,000 squarefoot home in Nashville, TN used 191,000 Kilowatt hours per year, where as the average home in that area used 15,600. All of this is according to the Associated Press. As mentioned on conservative talk radio, Al Gore owns threes homes across the country. See Gore defends his carbon credentials. I just don’t buy that carbon neutral thing. Did you or did you not create the carbon. At the same time, I also believe that the amount of carbon that man creates does not really impact the earth.