Sunday, June 17, 2007

TSA Takes Sippy Cup From Mom

This has been all over the net of the TSA trying to take away a sippy cup from a mom. Do I believe they tried to take away the sippy cup, ABSOLUTELY!!! Do I doubt that they threatened to arrest this mother, no doubt at all that they did threaten her. Would I believe that she tried to identify herself as a Secret Service Agent, yes. Do I believe that the mom tried to threaten the TSA Agents, NO. Am I surprised that the TSA leadership is denying this, heck no. They have released a video with no sound (as shown in the title link), doesn't prove a thing. Do I like or care for how the TSA is run, heck NO!

Just after 9-11 they came up with the TSA, I believe Teddy Kennedy was part of it. What a shaft job to the traveler and the citizens. What they created was a new tax. This is just one of the first conservative failures for Bush 43. The airlines did not reduce their fares once this tax was put in place. But what difference does it make they are only taxing the rich again.

Did the TSA improve airline security? If I were to judge it, I would call it a marginal improvement, if any at all. Who am I to judge this, at times I travel 100,000+ miles a year by air (not frequent flyer rewards points but miles) for work. I have done this before and after 9-11.

My impression of the TSA is no better qualified than what was in place before. Most of them are on ego kicks and abuse their authority. Most are rude, and talk down to you. Most of their rules are ridiculas. Like you can not carry matches in your checked in bag, because they may rub against each other and start a fire in the luggage compartment. My luggage gets lost as much as it did before. It is not uncommon for my luggage to be on a different flight than mine (security risk).

End of the day, Bush and Kennedy put in a tax increase and hid the name of it.