Friday, March 30, 2007

Democrats Think 9-11 Wasn’t Enough

On September 11, 2001 The United States of America was told it was at war. The United States was not told it was at war by its congress, but by Islamic Terrorist. The Islamic Terrorist had declared war against the United States long before September 11, 2001; it’s just that the American people had refused to acknowledge it.

Since 2003 we have had our troops in the field of battle. At first both political parties had praised our troops on such a great job that they had done. Although over the years the Democratic Party has taken the mantra to get out of Iraq. Nice thought of not having a war, but that is not a choice that we can make. The United States did not start this war, the Islamic Terrorists did. This war is not like Vietnam, in the fact that when we left the Vietnamese left us alone. This war was started all over the globe, including several attacks here in the United States. If we were to leave Iraq, the Islamic Terrorist will follow the United States military back to the United States.

The Islamic Terrorist do not differentiate between soldiers and women and children, everyone is a target. They just do not care who they kill as long as they kill. I myself want the war fought outside of the United States. Not for my safety but for my wife and my children’s sake. I regularly think of a way to go there and help fight, my dilemma is how to provide for my wife and kids, while I am gone.

So when the Democrats in the US House and Senate voted the war funding bill with the surrender time table include. The Democrats voted to have more attacks on the United States here in the United States.

I pray to God the President George W. Bush holds to his convictions and Veto’s this bill when it reaches his desk. I encourage every American to review the voting record on this bill and read what every vote was about. This bill is all about politics and the Democrats trying to get the next president to be a Democrat.

At the same time this bill is the same thing that Bill Clinton did with Somalia in refusing to properly equip the troops. When you watch the movie Black Hawk Down, remember it is based on a true story. American soldiers died because politicians refused to provide the right equipment that was readily available. In the end fine soldiers received Congressional Medals of Honor. I would have rather seen them come home to their families. At the same time I wish we spent the money so that there was enough troops and proper equipment to fight that battle with honor.