Thursday, June 7, 2007

A Letter to My Senator about the Illegal Immigration (Amnesty) Act

To the Honorable Senator Debbie Stabenow,

Please do what ever it takes to kill The Illegal Immigration Act. What I as your constituent would like to see is that we as a Nation do is to enforce our current laws, and stop the flood at the border. This needs to be done first. Completing the fence, hiring more Boarder Patrol Agents, and increasing the funding to the Boarder Patrol can accomplish protecting the boarder.

The Immigration Law needs to incorporate the protection of the Boarder Patrol Agents in using deadly force. I understand that there are two agents that have been sent to prison for shooting an illegal immigrant involved in the drug trade and presented a gun. Agents like this should receive accommodations, not sued or sent to prison. The agents must be allowed to protect them selves. The criminals should not have more protections or rights than the agents that are protecting my family and yours.

As to the illegal immigrants, these people should not be rewarded with citizenship or a permanent visa. They should be treated as a criminal. The current laws need to be changed to not give citizenship to children that are born in the United States by parents that are here illegally. Enforcement should be placed upon companies that employ employees that their Social Security number does not match their name. Enforcement must be increased on companies employing illegal immigrants. We do not need to deport the illegal immigrants, if we dry up the jobs they will leave on their own. We already have the laws in place, we just need to enforce them, not make more new laws.

As to the argument that the illegal immigrants are the only ones willing to do jobs the people that are here legally are unwilling to do, is a total lie! The truth is that the illegal immigrants are the only ones willing to do the job at the low wages the employers want to pay. There are people willing to do the jobs, just not such a low rate of pay.

If the United States of America wants to help our third world neighbors to the south, help the countries stop the corruption in their governments. The corruption in Mexico and all of our neighbors to the south is the cause of the utter poverty, not the greedy corporations. I speak of this on personnel knowledge from working in Mexico for a major tier one automotive supplier for nearly a year.

The enforcement of our countries immigration laws will help our country in many ways:

  • I will decrease our healthcare costs of illegals showing up in emergency rooms for health care.
  • It will also decrease our welfare costs.
  • It will free up the classrooms and reduce the demand for bilingual classes.

Once this bill is killed, and funding is provided and put in place to secure our boarders, then this country can start working on a new LEGAL IMMIGRATION Act. The lack of security of our boarders this long after 9-11, is a shame of all the politics in Washington DC.

Sincerely yours,

Piet Van

Another Letter/Response to My Congressman

To the Honorable Fred Upton,

I would like to thank you for the reply to my letter about the ads purportedly stating that you are against President Bush and the War on Terror. I believe you that you did not put out the ad and that you believe that the Troops are important to you. Although, from reading your letter I have trouble understanding where you stand. Your letter’s answer was filled with so much political double speak, I really don’t know where you stand.

I saw a Marine in an interview on television where he stated, “You can not support the Troops and not support the President at the same time. If you don’t support the President, you are not supporting the Troops too.” I think that Marine was absolutely right!

Your answer does not reflect that level of support. As a matter of fact, it is very disappointing. I can appreciate your concern for our Troops. Although, as one of your constituents I would expect an answer of, your supporting the President and encouraging him to do what ever it takes to succeed in this War on Terror. If you disagree with the Presidents and his Generals methods, those conversations should be in private, anything different puts our Troops in jeopardy. This would include letters to your constituents.

The next subject:

The Illegal Immigration (Amnesty) Act, please do what ever it takes to kill this bill as it tries to make its way through conference. What I as your constituent would like to see is that we as a Nation do is to enforce our current laws, and stop the flood at the border. This needs to be done first. Completing the fence, hiring more Boarder Patrol Agents, and increasing the funding to the Boarder Patrol can accomplish protecting the boarder.

The Immigration Law needs to incorporate the protection of the Boarder Patrol Agents in using deadly force. I understand that there are two agents that have been sent to prison for shooting an illegal immigrant involved in the drug trade and presented a gun. Agents like this should receive accommodations, not sued or sent to prison. The agents must be allowed to protect them selves. The criminals should not have more protections or rights than the agents that are protecting my family and yours.

As to the illegal immigrants, these people should not be rewarded with citizenship or a permanent visa. They should be treated as a criminal. The current laws need to be changed to not give citizenship to children that are born in the United States by parents that are here illegally. Enforcement should be placed upon companies that employ employees that their Social Security number does not match their name. Enforcement must be increased on companies employing illegal immigrants. We do not need to deport the illegal immigrants, if we dry up the jobs they will leave on their own. We already have the laws in place, we just need to enforce them, not make more new laws.

As to the argument that the illegal immigrants are the only ones willing to do jobs the people that are here legally are unwilling to do, is a total lie! The truth is that the illegal immigrants are the only ones willing to do the job at the low wages the employers want to pay. There are people willing to do the jobs, just not such a low rate of pay.

If the United States of America wants to help our third world neighbors to the south, help the countries stop the corruption in their governments. The corruption in Mexico and all of our neighbors to the south is the cause of the utter poverty, not the greedy corporations.

The enforcement of our countries immigration laws will help our country in many ways:

  • It will decrease our healthcare costs of illegals showing up in emergency rooms for health care.
  • It will also decrease our welfare costs.
  • It will free up the classrooms and reduce the demand for bilingual classes.

Your Comment is that this bill is currently in conference in the Senate. As I understand it the Bill must come back to the house because there is a tax included in the bill. When this bill comes back to the House, the Bill needs to be killed. I am sure you are aware the Senate cannot create a tax, kill the bill under this pretext.

Once this bill is killed, and funding is provided and put in place to secure our boarders, then this country can start working on a new LEGAL IMMIGRATION Act. The lack of security of our boarders this long after 9-11, is a shame of all the politics in Washington DC.

Sincerely yours,

Piet Van