Saturday, February 24, 2007

Barack Hussein Obama Doesn't Understand Iraq

But Wants to be The Commander In Chief

Barack Hussein Obama (Hussein really is his middle name) does not understand what is a success in Iraq is, so he calls it a defeat. When Tony Blair announced that the British will be withdrawing troops from Iraq, Barack Hussein Obama claimed that President Bush should follow Tony's lead and leave Iraq. Prime Minister Blair is withdrawing troops from that part of Iraq because it had been stabilized. Barack Hussein Obama either didn't understand what was going on or he is trying to deceive the American public.

How can you be a Commander in Chief, when you despise your very own military? The United States had the same problem under Bill Clinton, Bill and Hillary hated the military. The incident in the movie Blackhawk Down happened because Bill refused to allow the needed material to fight that battle. This is the same practice that the Democrats are trying to use on Iraq. Congressional Democratic Leaders have boasted that they intend to limit how we fight and what we use in Iraq. The end result will be that soldiers will die because of this.

Terrorist leaders have boasted that the United States does not have the will to survive a long drawn out battle. If the Democratic Party has their way, they will quit the war. Quitting is losing, even though we can win it. The Mainstream Media and the Liberal Left are trying to judge the war on the body count. The body count is less than one year of training deaths under Jimmy Carter.

As my liberal father-in-law (I didn't realize that he was a Regan Democrat) puts it, so what if there is another terrorist attack on the US, they won't hurt me or my family. He can not be any more wrong than that. Another large scale terrorist attack on the US will significantly hurt the economy, let alone a bunch of more dead Americans. Michigan’s economy does not need any more negative help; it sucks enough on its own. I can see that Barack Hussein Obama sees a terrorist attack on the US the same way as my liberal father-in-law, only a few will get hurt.

The real threat is that these Islamic fundamentalist see it as their responsibility to eliminate all of the non-believers of their faith. They see non-believers of their faith as non-Muslim and non-Arabic. If you were not born Arabic, you are not a good enough Muslim. This reminds me o f Hitler, which this region sided with during World War II.

So why does Barack Hussein Obama campaign in support of this behavior? My best guesses are:

  1. The Liberal Left provides the most money for his campaign.

  2. Barack Hussein Obama is one of the most Liberal Senators that hates that the United States is a world super power.
  3. Barack Hussein Obama can not wait to see the military lose again.

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