Monday, February 12, 2007

Barack Hussein Obama Wants to Quit

Barrack Hussein Obama wants to quit on the war on terror. Barack Hussein Obama has wanted to quit since he has started to run for the US Senate. Barack Hussein Obama wants all of the troops to be out of Iraq by March of 2008. Don’t know why Barack Hussein Obama wants to quit on the war on terror.

Is Barack Hussein Obama touting quitting on the troops for political expediency, ergo going after the liberal political base? This left wing liberal base of the Democratic Party is the base which provides significant campaign contributions. This money is needed for any chance to run for the Presidency.

Is it that Barack Hussein Obama hates the military like the Bill and Hillary Clinton? Bill and Hillary hated the military and had a mass exit from the military. Under Bill and Hillary, re-enlistment in the military was a rarity. If Barack Hussein Obama was to be elected to the Presidency are we to expect to have our military subjected to the demoralization that it experienced under the Clinton’s again?

Is it that Barack Hussein Obama hates the United States of America? Yes, Hussein is his actual middle name.

The demand that the United States gets out of Iraq, is a form of hating our troops and the United States of America. How can Barack Hussein Obama be the President and Commander in Chief if he hates/has no respect for the troops? Barack Hussein Obama demanding that we get out of Iraq by March of 2008 is quitting on the troops. Demanding that we get the troops out of Iraq is putting America at risk for further significant attacks. By Barack Hussein Obama demanding that the United States get the troops out of Iraq, is demoralizing for the troops. The demoralization of the troops is a contradiction because these are the men and women that are the ones that fight for everyone’s right for freedom and freedom of speech.

So which is worse? Barack Hussein Obama, that wants to quit on our troops, or Hillary Clinton that is known to hate the military too.

1 comment:

Incognito said...

And imagine a Clinton/Obama ticket.
Mark my words, Clinton will run with Obama as VP.