Sunday, March 4, 2007

Energy Crisis

What on earth is the hold up on pushing Agra fuels? The United States still pays farmers not to farm their fields to drive up the price of grains. The continued statement is that it still costs too much to produce Agra fuels.

I can see growing corn, pressing the corn for corn oil, cooking it for alcohol and still using the remnants for animal feed. The United States can produce its own fuel, the cost to modify the engines to accommodate these types of fuel. The easiest way to accommodate this change is having it incorporated into new cars right out of the assembly plants.

The next move needs to be the elimination of the farm subsidies, ergo reducing the cost of corn on a temporary basis. The reduction of the farm subsidies can be a progressive reduction to accommodate the increase in demand. The shift needs to be done so not to bankrupt the farmers. As a country we need to very careful about this because these are the people that are going to be producing our future fuel needs.

While we are increasing our production potential of grain, we also need to be increasing our production potential of vegetable oil and ethanol. As we increase the production we will also need to increase the delivery options at the gas stations. I think we may need to change their names to fuel stations.

The last item we need to address is the incorporation of fuel cell technology. Fuel cell technology is already here. There are hydrogen booster kits readily available. The only thing else needed is the readily available distilled water at fuel stations. For cold weather climates there is also the need of alcohol additive to prevent freezing.

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