Thursday, March 15, 2007

Under the Geneva Convention Spies Can Be Executed

I must agree with President Bush we must handle the terrorist being held in Gitmo as per the Geneva Convention. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed has confessed to acts of terrorism. As I understand it he was caught in a nation that he was not at war with in no nation’s military uniform and had committed acts of terrorism. Being caught doing terrorist activities, in another nation is considered a spy under the Geneva Convention. Under the Geneva Convention, upon the conviction of being a spy, a spy can be executed. Why on earth is this evil man, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, still breathing air?

As to the complaints of torture, if you call water boarding and sleep deprivation torture, give me a break. I have personally been water boarded before, so what. Sleep deprivation, so what. What on earth is that evil man still living for? What has taken our military so long to hold a tribunal and execute Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.

Wouldn't it have been nice if the Vietnamese treated our servicemen held captive as nicely as we are treating these terrorist at Gitmo. Spies can be executed under the Geneva Convention.

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