I Heard Back From My Senator on the Amnesty Bill
June 14, 2007
Mr. Piet Van
Thank you . . .
. . . for contacting me about the issue of immigration. I appreciate you sharing your views with me.
As you know, the United States Senate passed legislation last year in response to the serious problems with our nation's immigration system. While I consistently voted for tough enforcement provisions and to provide the resources necessary to secure our borders, I voted against this final bill because it would not have done enough to protect Michigan jobs. Also, I continue to oppose amnesty and Social Security for illegal immigrants.
The Senate has been debating new immigration legislation this year. I oppose this bill for the same reasons I voted against last year's legislation.
President Bush's new guest worker program, contained in both bills, opens our borders to hundreds of thousands of new guest workers every year. Importing cheap foreign labor is wrong for Michigan and wrong for America. We need an effective immigration system that works for businesses and communities and that protects the basic rights of legal immigrants, who are such an important part of our state economy. In the end, this legislation failed to strike the proper balance between security, fairness and preserving Michigan jobs.
Thank you for contacting my office. I will keep your strong views in mind if the Senate considers this issue again. Please continue to keep me informed about issues that are important to you and your family.
Debbie Stabenow
United States Senator
My Response:
Dear Senator Stabenow,
Your right, you always tend vote in a way to support legislation that shows that you support issues your constituents care about. Although in the end you typically vote with your party lines. Last year as I understand it, the only legislation that went up for a final vote was to build the wall, and I understand that you voted against it. I think we need to push the completion of a wall much faster.
I would like to see the current legislation pushed towards securing the border and not a comprehensive bill. I am opposed to the current legislation that Senator Reed and the President are trying to get passed at this time.
I am not apposed to the guest worker program as I am granting the Amnesty to the Illegals and every perversion of the extended families that are already here. WE need to encourage the Illegals that are already here to work their way through the system, so that we can sort out the bad applicants.
As a country we cannot afford to deport all of the illegal immigrants because it is too expensive and the public relations all over the world would be horrible. Although, congress can provide the funding to allow the responsible agencies to enforce the illegal immigration laws already in place. By drying up the hiring of illegal immigrants, the jobs will cease and they will leave. The illegal immigrants come here for the money. At the same time legislation can be passed to stop welfare, loans, drivers licenses and more going to illegal immigrants. As to healthcare, we can take care of them and deport them right after they are stabilized.
We can dry up the jobs for the illegal immigrants by verifying that the social security numbers match the names provided to employers. We can also step up the Border Patrol making sweeps of companies employing illegal immigrants. These companies need to be fined using the laws already in place. If the fines are to small increase the fine to a mandatory 10,000 per immigrant working that day
When we as a nation want to be compassionate, we can work with the nations south of our border to reduce the corruption in their governments. If the corruption was not as prevalent in Mexico, it would not be such a third world country, but prosperous.
If you really want to do something to help Michigan jobs, work on passing the tax cuts President Bush pushed through in his first term.
Piet Van
Blogger Note:
If you do not like what congress is doing, write your Congressmen and Senators. As you may see I am stuck with Democrat Senators and a weak spined Republican Congressman. I may not get them to change, but at least I am trying.
Piet Van
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