Sunday, June 10, 2007

Just Like I Said

Paris Hilton is getting harsher treatment than if she was a nobody for several reasons.

  1. It outraged the public that she was let out early.
  2. She is a celebrity, and public pressure was made to make her serve more of her sentence in jail than on an early release.

Why does Paris get so little support that most celebrities get? I think most of it is that more people see Paris as a porn star than as a movie star. Hollywood ignored her too.
Worst of all, Paris has her own very large demons. In lots of ways, I do feel very sorry for Paris. There was this book put out a couple of years ago ranking the 100 most harmful people to the United States. Paris's parents were ranked in there for doing such a lousy job raising her. I think that there is more truth than the author originally thought.

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