Friday, June 22, 2007

The Senate Voted for an Energy Bill Last Night

What a screw job to manufacturing in the United States this bill is. Obama, did you forget about the Chicago Assembly Plant or Mitsubishi, in Normal IL, or Subaru too? Hillary what about the assembly plant in Buffalo NY? You need to remember that each assembly plant equates to about 10,000 jobs to the assembly plant and the suppliers surrounding them.

From what I have heard so far, there is nothing in this bill about additional drilling for oil in the United States, including Alaska. There is nothing in the bill to allow for new refineries to be built in the United States. There is nothing in the bill for more nuclear power plants. There is nothing in the bill for increasing the use of windmills for electrical power. There is nothing in the bill to increase the use of bio fuel. Nothing in this bill to reduce the farm subsidies to encourage farmers not to farm their land. Nothing in the bill to accommodate spent uranium waste. Nothing in the bill to encourage development of hydrogen fuel. Nothing in the bill in the bill to support the development of H3 power. Although, there is a brand new CAFE requirement, where there is no technology to support the development.

There is nothing in this legislation to deal with the problem until 2020, thirteen years from now. Our Senator’s did nothing to help with our energy problem for our nation. Or nation has an energy problem and has had one long before September 11th of 2001. Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham at the time did very little. Yes Spencer Abraham was the former Republican Senator from the Great State of Michigan and he did very little for Michigan as a Senator too.

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