Sunday, July 1, 2007

The People Spoke

What a great thing happened this week in the Senate. The people spoke and the Senators had no choice but to listen. The people did not want was what congress had come up with for immigration reform.

This incident goes to show how powerful the voice of the people is. It told the people the importance of writing your Congressman/woman and Senators. If you are upset with what congress is doing, you must call or write your legislator.

Have you written your legislator to tell hem how you feel about making the 2002 tax cuts permanent? I have young kids and those tax cuts equals $3,000 a year to me. What else is important to you?

By the way, the Senators were not happy about this mass of calls, e-mails and letters. They are blaming Talk Radio, and they are right. Talk Radio did stir up a lot of the people, but it is the job of the legislators to listen to the people too. In response to the Amnesty bill failure by the Senators having to listen to the people. There are Senators that are trying to write legislation that would kill Talk Radio. When this happens, it will be time again for the American people to tell their senators what to do again.

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